Regwin Syrup

For Leucorrhoea

Useful in Leucorrhoea related symptoms White Discharge


Regwin syrup is specific remedy for leucorrhea.


Useful in leucorrhoea & related symptoms, Inflammtory leucorrhoea, Rundown condition of backache due to over flowing of white discharge, etc.

Each 10 ml. contains :

Active Ingredients

Ashoka (Saracaasoca) Brk. DE. - 188 mg

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Rt. DE..........150 mg

Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra) Rhz. DE..... 150 mg

Paneer dodi (Withaniacoagulans) Sd. DE. ...... 113 mg

Babool (Acacia nilotica) Brk. DE. .................. 75 mg

Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) Lf. DE. ... 75 mg.

Lodhra (Symplocosracemosa) Brk. DE .... 75 mg

Guduchi (Tinospuracordifolia) St. DE... 75 mg

Dhanyak (Coraindrumsativum) Frt. DE.... 38 mg

Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis) Frt. DE...... 38 mg

 Syrup Base Water .............. Q.S.

 Preservatives ............Q.S.


1 to 2 TSP two times a day onphysician advice.


180 ml. Syrup 

Do's and Dont's

• Drink Warm Water

 Do not eat oily food, don't consume Alcohol, etc.

• Maintain Hygiene

• Abstain from sexual activity during treatment