Gluten Free

A   formula   made   especially   for people with celiac disease or Gluten Allergy and who cannot digest the cereal      grains       that       causes indigestion     and    other     bowel disorders. The enzymes present in the product helps in breakdown of gluten and relieves the symptoms of bloating,  flatulence,   and  stomach aches

Each veg. capsule contains:

  • Protease 1000 HUT
  • Amylase 3000 DU
  • Glucoamylase 50 GU
  •  Alpha galactosidase 60 GALU
  • Lactase 600 FCC
  • Cellulase 350 CU
  • Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV 5000 HUT
  • Curcumin 25 mg
  • Cinnamon extracts 50 mg     
  • Bacillus subtilis 4 billion spores  

1)   Breakdown           of Gluten   and   Cereal Grains.

2)   Provides  relief  from bloating and gas