
A     curated     formulation     that prevents  the  acid  release  in  the body by its alkaline properties and provides relief from heartburn and Acidity

Each 2-veg. capsule contains:

  • Apple cider vinegar extracts 
  • Ginger extracts 
  • Liquorice root extracts 
  • Betaine HCL
  • Aloe Vera extracts 
  • Marshmallow extracts 
  • Pepper mint extracts 
  • Fennel extracts 
  • Bromelain 2400 GDU 
  • Chamomile extracts 10:1
  • Slippery elm 
  • Cellulase 
  • Lipase
  • Bacillus coagulans 

1) Gives relief from heartburn, flatulence,

and acidity