Laxi Capsule

For Joints Pain, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis , Osteo Arthritis, Back Pain, Spondilytis


Provides faster relief from painful inflammatory condition & Reducing Morning Stiffness


Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Neuro Muscular Pain, Joints Pain, Cervical Spondilytis, Frozen Shoulder, Backache, Gout, etc.

Each Capsule contains :

Active Ingredients :

Maharasnadi Ext. – 80 mg

AmalakiRasayanPdr – 80 mg

Ashwagandha Ext. (Withaniasomnifera) - 80 mg

NirgundiPdr. (Vitexnegundo) – 50 mg

Methi Ext. (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) - 45 mg

AshwagandhaPdr. (Withaniasomnifera) – 45 mg

MethiPdr. (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) – 40 mg

GokshurPdr. (Tribulusterrestris) – 30 mg

Nirgundi Ext. (Vitexnegundo) – 30 mg

NeernPdr. (Azadirachtaindica) 30 mg

PunamnavaPdr. (Boerhaviadiffusa) – 30 mg

Haridra Ext. (Curcuma longa) - 30 mg

 Neem Ext. - (Azadirachtaindica) –20mg

Shallaki Ext. (Boswelliaserrata) – 20 mg

YograjgugguluPdr. – 20 mg

Paneer Dodi Ext. (Withaniacoagulens) ­- 15 mg

Gokshur Ext. (Tribulusterrestris) - 15 mg

Punarava Ext. (Boerhaviadiffusa) - 15 mg

ShankhBhasmaPdr. - 15 mg

Kapikachu ext. (Mucunaprurita) .- 15 mg

Preservatives - Q.S.


1 to 2 Capsule twice a day or as directed by the Physician.


40 Capsules