KU+ Syrup

KU+ Syrup is a unique tonic for Renal Diesease & other Urniary Tract Disorder:

  • Non Specific Urethritis
  • Cystitis
  • Pyelitis
  • Burning Micturation
  • Sialolithiasis
  • Re Occurrence of Stones
  • Other Urinary Tract Disorder


Herbal formula for Renal Disease


Useful in Urinary Tract Infection, Non Specific Urethritis, Cystitis, Pyelitis, Burning Micturation, Slalolithiasis, Hyperuricemia, Gout, Kidney Stone, Prevent Post Operative Re Occurrence of Stones and other Urinary Tract Disorder.

Each 10 ml. contains :

Active Ingredients

Pashanbheda (Bergenia ligulata) Rz. DE - 300 mg

Kullath (Vigna unquiculata) Sd. DE - 200 mg

Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) Frt. DE. - 180 mg

Shilapushpa (Didymocarpus pedicellata) Fhw. DE - 150 mg

 Amalaki Rasayan Pdr. - 140 mg

 Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) Wh. Pl. DE - 120 mg

 Mulika kshar Pdr - 60 mg

Yava kshar Pdr. - 60 mg

 Tankan kshar Pdr - 60 mg

Darbhmool (Desmostachya bipinnata) Rt. DE. – 50 mg

Kasamool (Saccharum spontaneum) Rt. DE – 50 mg

 Musta (Cyperus rotundus) Rt. DE – 50 mg

Black Salt Pdr. - 40 mg

 Sarjika kshar Pdr – 40 mg

 Nimbu Satva (Citrus medica) Frt. Pdr. - 10 mg

 Navishar Par - 7 mg

 Syrup Base - QS

Water Preservatives - Q.S.


Syrup 1 to 2 TSP two times a day or as per physician's advice.


 180 ml. Syrup 

Do's and Dont's

• Drink Plenty of Warm Water

• Do not eat oily food, Non-Veg, don't consume Alcohol, Avoid Spinach, Fenugreek leaves, Cucumber, Tomato etc.