(For Alcohol + Nicotine De-Addiction)

There was a constant demand for an ideal remedy for the patients who were suffering from alcohol and Nicotine addiction. this demand gave birth to an excellent product called Anti-Khat Powder  a boon for a patient suffering from both addictions.


Herbal Formula for treating of Alcohol + Nicotine Addiction


Anti-Khat Powder helps in the treatment of all types Alcohol + Nicotine addiction for Couple of Years. 

Each 3.5 gm. Sachet Contains :

Active Ingredients

Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberose) Tub Rt. Pdr. -1.000 gm.

 Soya Powder (Glycine max) Sd. Pdr. - 1.750 gm.

Jyotishmati (Celastruspaniculatus) Sd. Pdr - 0.180 gm.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Frt. Pdr - 0.180 gm.

Bibhitak (Terminalia bellirica) Frt. Pdr - 0.180 gm.

Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis) Frt. Par - 0.180 gm.

Preservatives - Q.S. 


Daily 1 Pouch after mixing it up with any type of food

1 Month Medicine


3.5 gm x 30 Pouch Pack 


After consuming this medicine whenever an addicted person consumes alcohol / nicotine he dislikes it and would not have intoxication after having Alcohol & Nicotine. He may even sometime vomitafter having alcohol. But the main point is that this medicine doesn’t have negative side effects.